Cherian Koshy CFRE

Director of development
Des Moines Performing Arts
Cherian Koshy is an internationally recognised expert in philanthropy and the nonprofit sector. He works with hundreds of nonprofits each year to help them solve their most intractable problems. His industry-leading thought leadership has been featured in Advancing Philanthropy, Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Institute of Fundraising (UK), and dozens of blogs, webinars, and podcasts. With more than 20 years of experience, he is one of the most sought-after trainers – he is an AFP Master Trainer – and speakers in the nonprofit sector, including presenting at the AFP International Conference every year since 2015.
In addition to front-line fundraising, he currently serves on 10 boards or commissions at local, state, and national/international levels including the Association of Fundraising Professionals International board. As a coach and consultant, he helps struggling nonprofit leaders find strategies that give them back time and develop sustainable revenue.
Areas of interest
The fundraising profession
Professional practice
Fundraising during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Rogare involvement
Council Member 2020 to date
Metrics and Measurement Group
Dversity working group (Membership Group).
Co-author – Rogare Critical Thinking Guide
Project leader – Professionalisation of Fundraising
Project team member – Critical Fundraising (USA) Report
Author: Tax reform and what it means for charitable giving
Co-author and project team member – Ethics of Legacy Fundraising During Emergencies
Critical Fundraising blogger
Co-editor – fundraising ethics special issue of Journal Philanthropy and Marketing
Contributor – Theory of Change working group
Moderator – Is fundraising a profession panel session, AFP I-Con 2018
Member of the International Advisory Panel 2016-20.