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CFR Network

Join other critical thinkers in fundraising to rethink your profession and bring about change

The Critical Fundraising Network is the name we have given to the network of people who contribute to Rogare’s ongoing initiative to rethink fundraising through our various projects and initiatives. 


This section describes the various parts of the network.


There is the salaried Rogare executive – which runs the think tank day-to-day.


Supporting the executive is the Rogare Council. The Council’s role is to provide organisational leadership to the director/executive in the running of Rogare, and thought leadership and mentorship to the Critical Fundraising Network.


For information on the various types of project teams CFR Network members can join, and the type of work they undertake in pursuit of our twin objectives – to build a more robust knowledge base for fundraising and change the learning culture so that fundraisers value and use that knowledge more, click on the links below.


We have said that Rogare is the bridge linking the academic and practitioner branches of the fundraising profession. We won’t succeed in this unless we have plenty of fundraising practitioners on their side of the bridge calling out for new information, telling the academic side what information they need to fill knowledge gaps, and then, when they have it, using that new information to plug those gaps by disseminating it throughout professional practice.


The whole of the Rogare think tank encompasses the executive, the Council and the Critical Fundraising Network. 

To a big extent, Rogare is the members of its Critical Fundraising Network. We have set ourselves the big overarching objective of rethinking fundraising. The executive function cannot do this on its own; our success is contingent on finding active volunteers who will join the Critical Fundraising Network and take on the work that needs to be done.


It’s the volunteer members of the Critical Fundraising Network who do so much of the work that Rogare does to help us to rethink fundraising.


CFR Network members can join three different types of initiatives:

  • Knowledge Collectives

  • Research Projects

  • Research Centres.



Rogare stands or falls by how well our Critical Fundraising Network works.


Or in other words, we need you.


We cannot succeed without you.



So join us. We won’t succeed without your input.


This is your think tank for your profession, so please consider getting involved.

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More information

  • See who is currently a member of the  Rogare's Council.

  • Find out about and download our This is a Fundraising Office Manifesto

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This is a Fundraising Office trad.jpg
  • Find out about and download our I Am a Critical Fundraiser Manifesto

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CFR Manifesto v1.jpg

We can't change fundraising without your help.

Like what we do and want to get involved?

Join the forum
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Contribute to the debate and discussion in the Critical Fundraising Forum on Facebook. 


Follow us on Twitter
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Follow us on Twitter - @RogareFTT


Critical fundraising blog
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Read the latest thoughts and insights on the Critical Fundraising blog. 

Our Associate Members

Rogare is supported in its work by a number of Associate Members – partners to the fundraising sector that share our critical fundraising ethos. Our Associate Members are:
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